Mission, Vision & Values


Kol Ami is an inclusive qehilah (community) that offers vibrant worship and modern Jewish experiences in and for the urban core.


Kol Ami aims to provide a non-judgmental Jewish environment in which people from a broad range of backgrounds can engage with God, with each other, and with the larger Kansas City community.


Kol Ami principally values

● Inclusion

We welcome everyone interested in exploring Judaism – all ages, ethnicities, genders and orientations; from all movements and from none; Jews by birth and by choice; singles, couples, and families including interfaith relationships.

● Continuity

We are keepers of a sacred trust, which each generation renews as it relays to the next. We explore and experiment, but always rest on the foundation of our shared Jewish tradition: one tree of life, with many ways.

● Music

Song and instrument are at the heart of our spiritual and ritual expression. Our focus on congregational singing empowers everyone to share music as a pathway to Jewish worship; and we encourage and nurture the talents of our musicians and singers with opportunities for participation.

● Social Engagement

We seek to help bridge the gaps and repair the broken places in ourselves, in each other, in our neighbors, and in and between all the communities and spheres of Kansas City.

● Presence

We are anchored in the central city and reach out from here to foster a community of people across the metropolitan area committed to the health of the urban core, and to the idea that Jews should be part of it.

● Action

Jewish tradition tells us that Torah is not only to be studied: it is to be lived. We steadfastly walk our talk, so that the power of words and the power in deeds stay aligned and feed each other.